Messe Nord/ICC, Collage, Klebeband auf Karton © Björn Paulissen


History between traffic-flows
The escalators of the station Messe Nord/ICC carry the traveler onto a traffic-heavy bridge that straddles a deep ravine. Trains and cars rush by in this gorge, separating the idyllic residential area at Lietzensee built around 1900 from the grounds of the exhibition center, marked by the ICC and the Funkturm (radio tower). From the bridge you can look out over the snarl of traffic routes ... by Aleksandra Potapczuk

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Walkabout: Around Lietzensee – green oasis in the city
If you were to look down at the city from the Beriln's radio tower (the Funkturm), you would notice a sickle-shaped, green-lined body of water gleaming amid an equally dense sea of houses. Typical Ringbahn riders exiting the Messe Nord/ICC station to the south by way of the long escalator and stopping only briefly at street level to survey their surroundings are not likely to discover Lietzensee … by Dagmar Thorau

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Tips and Links for Messe Nord/ICC
There’s more to here than just trade fairs: in the shadow of the radio tower, opposite the hulking, futuristic ICC building, lies Lietzensee lake, whose park is open to visitors year-round. An oasis, just a stroll away from the Autobahn: Funkturm | Lietzensee | Bootshaus Stella | St.-Canisius | Ehemaliges Reichsmilitärgericht | Manstein | Ehemalige Oberpostdirektion | ZOB | Kleingartenkolonie | ...

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